The Idea Dude


Friday, April 04, 2008

The power within you

I heard a phrase on the radio that has echoed in my head all week. It goes like this...

Can you hear the smile in my voice?

It was so simple, yet made me smile long after the sound had faded.

It reminded me of how we underestimate the power of language whether it is written, sung or spoken. Take a bag of words, dip your hand in and see what you can do.

Each sentence or phrase is alive. Like a warm breeze, it can embrace us. Like an eagle it can lift us up, inspire and make us soar. Then like a knife, it can cut right through us. It has the power to make us weep, be angry, laugh or cry.

Two necessary ingredients, your choice of words and your delivery.

Without language, there would be no record of history, no power to inspire, no means to learn. Perhaps it is that richness that has made humans supreme on this planet.

Nowhere has this been more evident than profound effect blogging has had on our society bringing together people with like interests from all parts of the world. People sharing their knowledge, their successes and their pain.

More often than not, we blog because we long for a connection, a response that says, I hear you... I am here

So, can you see the smile in my blog post?

BTW: If you doubt the power of words, head on over to my friends Liz at Successful-Blog and Joanna at ConfidentWriting. There's always magic in their words.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This so made me smile :-)

Not least as I'm going to count as a contribution to this month's celebration of powerful writing!


11:50 AM  
Blogger The Idea Dude said...

Hi Joanna,

Thank you.

They say smiles are contagious. I guess they are right. ;)

I hope all my readers visit your site, it is always a terrific inspiration to all of us.


12:20 PM  
Blogger "ME" Liz Strauss said...

Hi Vern,
I've been so thinking about you. What a wonderful thing to see you writing and smiling this way. :)

I feel as if you came to my heart when I called. :)

1:17 PM  
Blogger The Idea Dude said...

Hi Liz, you're an inspiration far beyond your blog.

Thank you.

1:30 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Hi Vern, I've always imagined you as a person who smiled as he blogged. Thats how all your posts come across.

Keep smiling!

9:18 AM  
Blogger The Idea Dude said...

Thanks Amanda, you've just made it ever broader :) :)


12:12 PM  

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