TheGoodBlogs gets iPhone friendly

We've made parts of our website iPhone friendly. To test drive this on a normal browser on a computer, simply go to our website at and find the Virtual iPhone icon on the top right hand corner or click here to launch the virtual iPhone immediately. It will give you an idea what your web experience using an iPhone would be. It's identical to what you will see if you were using an iPhone or iTouch to surf our site.
Note: If you're surfing from the iPhone itself, there is a big button in the center of our home page that will provide those pages directly.
Having done this, we're amazed at how few websites are really iPhone friendly. Most sites are so flash-centric that you see very little or nothing at all. Not a great experience for millions of iPhone users who generally are people who are Internet savvy and have disposable income and a likelihood to spend online.
Tony's been working feverishly on a slick iPhone application that we've submitted to Apple for approval. The aim of the app is very simple, allowing you to discover 10 new blogs very quickly without having to visit each blog on your device. Of course, if you like the post, we give you a button to browse the actual blog. It's a great idea if you have a couple of minutes to kill and just want to read some fresh content.
We think there's definitely a business niche helping existing websites become iPhone friendly either via a custom web experience or through an app.
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