The Idea Dude


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Blogging via the iPad

I had some good friends bring me an iPad several weeks ago from the US. Unfortunately we were so swamped with work we hardly had time to play with it. So here's my first attempt at doing something really useful on it. My first blog post on the iPad.

I can see how I would blog more often. It's a device that will readily on hand most of the time. No more jotting down thoughts so I can create the blog later on my Macbook.

I used to think Apple should have put the MacOS instead of the iPhone OS. I've changed my mind. It would create some issues like trying to be as functional as it's bigger brothers the Macbooks. The iPad should not be seen as a computing device, it is a digital assistant. The digital media companion and when you think about, that's all we really need 99% of the time. A little surfing, a little blogging, watch a video, read email and even play a game. Oh yes, as my daughter reminds me as she watches me type this. And read books.

Do we really need that big notebook / desktop? When we are away from our desks. Probably not.

Typing on the keyboard is not as bad as I anticipated.

Now to go and sit under a tree and read....


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